What people are saying about Benita.

  • Benita Zahn had a fun energetic energy that kept the sold out room of residents engaged and laughing. She was a joy to work with, her positive attitude with residents and staff have us all wanting her to come back!

    Kathleen Whipple
    St. Peter's Health Partners

  • Benita brought JOY to our staff through her positive energy, warmth, and infectious smile. I would recommend her to any organization!

    Jerilee Beaudoin
    Sunmark Credit Union

  • As an attorney, entrepreneur, social justice advocate, executive coach and Chapter Chair for Women Presidents Organization I've had the honor of training and being in "the room" with many excellent public speakers including charity events where Benita was the MC or guest speaker. Benita's presentations are exceptionally uplifting, humorous and insightful. Listening to Benita is a gift for the mind, body and soul that will make you grateful to be part of humanity.

    Theresa B. Marangas, Esq.

  • Benita had a great message, which she delivered with everyday examples and lots of humor. I think everyone who attended felt better for having heard Benita's message.

    Nancy V.

  • Dr. Zahn was great and really captivated the audience of people who would do for others before they did for themselves. My big takeaway was to not feel guilty of taking the recharge time you need. I will focus on trying to take time for me, even if it’s a moment in the day. Thank you again.


  • This was a Fantastic presentation! Benita never disappoints! Linda C. She was funny and kept the crowd engaged.

    Joe G.

  • Benita shares important and educational content in an approachable and fun manner that makes it enjoyable for attendees to understand and relate to. Our community members left feeling inspired and motivated!

    Courtney Russell
    Lifestyle Director at
    The Spinney at Van Dyke.

  • It was a very informative and fun presentation. I have known Benita for decades under different role but, this new version of her charm is very refreshing.

    Manoj Ajmera
    Chair, Festival of Nations